Revilla de Santullán, Palencia
Church of San Cornelio y San Cipriano
The church of San Cornelio and San Cipriano in Revilla de Santullán is relatively simple in its architectural design, with a single nave interior. The outstanding feature of this building is undoubtedly its sculpture. Now enclosed by a sixteenth century porch, the south portal is decorated with a remarkably well-preserved figural archivolt and capitals. The apostles and Christ are distributed within the arches of a miniature arcade, engaging in the Last Supper – most of the apostles are shown with different types of food in front of them. The final figure to the far right of the archivolt is a self-portrait of the sculptor, inscribed with his signature "MICHAELIS ME FECIT". The capitals below show a host of fantastical creatures. Chainmail-clad soldiers furiously battle these beasts, allegorizing the never-ending fight between good and evil.

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Revilla de Santullán
South Portal Capitals
[Left capitals]
[Right capitals]
[Left-most capital on right side]
The Three Maries at the Tomb
An angel holds open Christ's empty tomb demonstrating to the three myrrh-bearing women that he has been resurrected.